Payment Methods

Our approved merchant gets flexible payment method to accept and send payment to their target customers, members, and associates.

Quickewallet enables your system to accept a several range of payment methods, including Debit Card/ credit card, bank transfer, invoice, offline payments, QR Payment and simply via payment URL.

More than Accepting online payments

Offer your customers the most popular payment methods in just a few clicks.

Optimize your business processes with unique payment solutions

  • Over 170 countries
  • Processing 200 currencies
  • Use more than 300 payment methods
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 Fast start
Connect our payment solution using convenient API, via hosted page or server to server within a few hours. Verification of your project within one business day.
 Secure payments
As a PCI DSS Service Provider Level 1, we encrypt, process, and store cards data. Our payment platform allows consumers to pay merchants within the most secure environment.
 Fast start
Connect our payment solution using convenient API, via hosted page or server to server within a few hours. Verification of your project within one business day.

Payment Card